Walk with Ease

April is Move More Month!

According to the American Heart Association, Being active is one of the best ways to maintain your physical and mental health – especially during this time of isolation and social distancing. Not only can it help you feel, function and sleep better, but it can also improve your mood and overall quality of life.

Most of us want to be more active. We want to live longer, healthier lives and keep our bodies and minds healthy. But we also have lots of “reasons” why we don’t exercise more. And we’ve been more inactive – and more stressed – than ever during this past year.

The good news is that adding physical activity to your routine can be as simple as just taking a walk! SDSU Extension Service’s Walk With Ease program offers educational workshops that are designed to help adults living with ongoing arthritis, joint pain, or who are sedentary and want to become more active.

There are several ways to get involved with this program, either as an individual or by bringing a Walk With Ease program to your community to foster better health for everyone. You can learn more at https://extension.sdstate.edu/walk-ease.

Chrissy Meyer